Making Time for YOU in the Pre-Holiday Season!

  • As the holiday season fast approaches, do you find yourself juggling so many balls that you can’t find time for your workouts?
  • Are you feeling more stressed?
  • Are you worried about weight gain during the holidays?

With the onset of holiday parties, decorating, shopping, food preparation and travel planning comes additional stress  in our already busy everyday lives.  Unfortunately, our personal time  for exercise tends to be put on the back burner.

Give Yourself The Gift of Energy!

Wouldn’t it be great to have more energy?

Choosing to make yourself a priority during this hectic time and fitting in a couple of good quality workouts each week can reduce your stress levels, lift your spirits and leave you more energized for the events ahead.

If you’re already enrolled in a fitness class keep going so you can achieve the benefits you signed up for!

Otherwise, schedule a block of time at least twice per week leading up to and during the holidays to do something fun & active.

1. Walk to your town parade.

2.  Snowshoe if mother nature blesses you with some snow

3.  Downhill or cross country ski with your family

4.  Enjoy a brisk walk to admire the Christmas displays in your area.

5.  Work in two or three 10 minute calorie blasts each day.

6.  Put together in impromptu scavenger hunt in your neighbourhood with friends & family.

Benefits of (Pre) Holiday Workouts:

1.  Keep those holiday pounds in check.

2.  Ladies you’ll feel great in that slinky new dress you bought for New Year’s Eve.

3.  Feel calmer and more clear headed

4.  Feel energized and able to conquer the world.

I’d love to hear your ideas!

How do you plan on staying fit over the holiday season?

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